Monday, July 4, 2011

The Song of Telan’gaana’

It is being sung.

The sizeable number of elected representatives who have submitted their resignations may have different motives and attitudes – from cautious optimism through excited anticipation to desperate recklessness.

But the man on the streets of Telangana is singing.

Every inch of the soil wells up with pride and with a song in its heart.

Has the Union government acceded to the demand and unveiled a roadmap?

No. But that does not matter. The shrill voice of the people has been heard and the Union government has been disturbed in its slumber. The song with all its harsh notes and unrhythmic beats has breached the soundproofed interiors of the places of power and pounded the deafened cochlea of a cocooned political party and its king-makers. When Bhagath Singh threw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly he explained his action thus: If the deaf are to hear, the sound has to be very loud. The song of Telan’gaana’ must perforce be harsh, and it has been so today. Never mind that this concerted shrillness has come much later than required. Better late than never.

The song is being sung.

Were the elected representatives cornered into a position they never wanted , into joining their voice to the symphony ? Let there be no illusions: They felt the compulsion like never before.The heat was turned on. And they resigned because they had no choice. And they will retract if the slightest opportunity presents itself. Chidambaram, Azad, Ahmed Patel will certainly try to sing a Man-mohak tune to lead the pack into a more harmonious melody. Their casual statements today notwithstanding, they’ll certainly have to conduct the affair now like Zubin Mehta conducting a philharmonic. But, anyone who resiles from today’s position will have to reckon with the song of fury the people will sing.The representatives know it. But, having sung different tunes at different times, they might, just might believe that they can continue to do so at their convenience. Not so, trills a little bird from somewhere. So…

Let everyone know that the breath has filled the lungs and is ready to blow the conch.

If the song turns into a roar, if the conch is blown, the Union government will quake in Hastina. In Hyderabad a tsunami will sweep in from the parched lands.

Anna’s song, the Supreme Court’s song,Telangana’s song – three notes in the Saptak, all vivadi swara in the raga of democracy… does the government want more?

Hope , NOT.

If the entire set of notes are sung at once, the resulting Omkaara will carry a nuclear charge this false government can not withstand.

Beware. The song is being sung.

The notes you hear are not just localized folk music. It is not just lokpal. It is not just a Supreme court’s direction for an SIT into Swiss and Liechtenstein Banks It is not just Telan’gaana’. It is the voice of the people of India who are fed up of a self-serving ruling class, a dissembling Congress, a rudderless BJP and a clueless CPM.

The song of Telangana is the song of everywhere.

Beware. The song is being sung.

The song is not of a regional aspiration. It is not divisive. It unifies the aspirations of all regions alike. And if smaller states is the route to achievement of aspirations, then so be it. The Congress can not suppress these aspirations lest its own dominance should be in danger.

When all notes are sung, there is no vivadi swara. The Congress enjoys vivad; vivad keeps it in power.

The song of Talangana asks for an end to vivad. Telangana; the million rubied veena sings for harmony.

Hind ,Bouddha, Sikha/ Jaina, Paarasika/ Musalmaana, Christaanii.

The song is being sung.

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