Thursday, July 14, 2011

Response to Terrorism: Advani’s Way and Chidambaram’s

Failure of Policy, not Intelligence said the octogenarian Leader of the Opposition. Should have a zero tolerance policy towards terrorism.

He is a forgetful old man, poor fellow.

Ten years ago, on 13 December 2001, Advani was Home Minister and inside the Parliament Building when suspected Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed squads attacked the Indian Parliament. Months later, four people were captured for alleged involvement in the incident. Years later One person, Afzal Guru, was convicted and handed a death-penalty. Soon his mercy-petition reached the Office of the President of India, the Supreme Commander of the Indian Military.

Meanwhile the NDA government of the Atal Behari-LK Advani went out of power, a UPA government installed, and now enjoying a second term. One Mr. Shivaraj Patil was Home Minister when Kasab and party held Mumbai in thrall for almost 4 days (26/11/2009) performing a dahan-kaand with unheard of temerity. Indians and international visitors, security personnel died in heaps. Finally Kasab was captured, a trial was held, convicted and awarded death. His Mercy Petition is with the Office of the President of India, the Supreme Commander of the Indian Military.

Now, on 13 July 2011, terrorists struck Mumbai again. Mr. Chidambaram , who reluctantly took over from Shivraj Patil, and was hoping for a change of Portfolio in the Cabinet Reshuffle on 12 July 2011, is the Home Minister. He said this was not due to Intelligence failure. All sensitive places have been put on high alert. Great work Thiru Chidambaram!

Mr. Advani has said it is a policy-failure. Would you like to comment?

Yes. I agree entirely, said Chidambaram. It is the same policy as when Advaniji was Home Minister. India’s great pride is that its policy is always constant and consistent. Also please note, Advaniji agreed with me that there is no Intelligence failure. There are areas of agreement though we are in different parties and have zero tolerance towards each other on many issues. That is why we are the best democracy in the world. Our policies do not change, there is no Intelligence hence no failure and we extend proper judicial facilities even to our enemies.Summary treatment is impatient America’s way. We prefer to read 10,000 page reports and judgements as civil people ought to do. And as for Christian Mercy, there is no better example than the Indian President. Keeps nearly a hundred mercy petitions pending for as long as possible.

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