Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jaswant’s Attitude to Fraud

The Old Brigadier is out of his mind.

With such members in the Party, the BJP needs no enemies.

Brigadier sahib wondered why Raja and Kanimozhi haven't been given bail.

"I personally feel, I am not a jurist or lawyer either by training or preference. I feel that somebody has been charged and that charge is not of heinous nature like robbery, murder or any such thing.”

In a country where millions exist on ONE rupee a day, and must be dying because the grain is rotting outside the warehouses and the Prime Minister adduces practical difiiculties when the Apex Court directs immediate public distribution as a solution to warehousing, rotting and hunger; in such a country, the magnitude of the frauds allegedly committed by Raja, Kani and Kalmadi nothing short of culpable homicide amounting to genocide, forget murder.

Jaswant’s comment that these worthies ,charged with such fraud and denied bail, have done nothing heinous , is surely indicative of moral depravity and geriatry gripping the once reasonably intelligent and dignified parliamentarian.

Whatever his understanding of the word ‘heinous’, and whatever his attitude to the actions of people’s elected representatives; whether his views are personal and untrained; at all events, Jaswant Singh must immediately retire from public life. His comments have done as much damage to the BJP’s image, as the Jana Lokpal issue has done to that of the Congress.

A studied silence would certainly have been a more suitable response than the insertion of a parenthetical disclaimer.
It is just a thought, but... did the treatment of Maria Susairaj in the Neeraj Grover murder case kind of tweak Jaswant’s understanding of ‘heinous crime’? A lot of people are wondering whether the Indian Judicial system really understands English... dicing and cubing a murdered body, does not appear sufficiently cold-blooded to warrant a rarest-of- rare treatment.

Jaswant ‘s comment on fraudsters is probably just the first indication of a possible fall-out of the lax judgement in the Grover case.

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