Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blasted Mumbai

So it goes round.

B for Bomb, M for Mumbai.

Our varnamaala, both English and Indian language charts will have to be re-done to relate to the children.

The colours Camlin sell can do away with white and add more red .Their paint brushes can be bold, no fine ones needed.

Social Studies text books can do away with the Kalinga war etc. and include these more contemporary guerilla wars. First-aid and self-help, Personal-Safety Studies, Rescue and Retaliation Studies can replace Moral Science and Cultural Activities (SUPW classes and Sports can also go). Instant bomb-mix can be sold by MTR instead of gulab-jamoon mix.

Songs of Innocence can be dropped from literary studies and martial songs from various languages can be introduced.

Cinema can adopt fewer theme colours. Roudra and Bheebhatsa can replace Shringaara as the prime rasa; karuna and shanti can be excluded from the navarasa.

Someones birthday can be celebrated with Obituary-General

School-prayers be reworded using The Bard’s most powerful invocation to evil --

“Ye sprites that tend on mortal thoughts

Hie thee hither! And fill me

From top to toe full of direst cruelty”.

And Naseeruddin Shah in the movie ”A Wednesday” should be the role-model for future generations doomed to wanton daily destruction.

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