Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years since 9/11

Because Nature does not destroy mankind the way it destroys most life forms, it gave him intelligence.

He learns unending ways of destroying himself.

There is something of a celebratory rituality about this self-destruction.

He celebrates destruction as victory, and gives it moral names Nature looks on with an air of slight amusement.

A random sample of events in history will suffice to strengthen this view.

9/11 and the succeeding reign of terror is one of a series of such destructive actions of intelligent man.

Religion, power, science, aggression and defense, ethics are names and values man gives to these self-destructive activities. And celebrates them more fiercely than he does compassion , love(making), child-birth, music, poetry and art. Because the intelligence Nature gives man is the instrument of destruction, not the impulse of life. As Ann Stevenson points out in her poem, ‘the sprit is too blunt an instrument’ to create the tenderness of the delicate and complex curves of the ear of a baby.

Osama, Obama, Dubya and Mohd. Atta , and everyone who made and recalls 9/11 is essentially admitting that Nature has outwit them and their gestures are an affirmation that they are carrying out Nature’s Will as it willed.

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