Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Telangana and the Central Government

With the participation of coal-miners, and of State Government Employees, the strike called by the proponents of Telangana has begun today on a scale that promises to grow larger than the ‘rulers’ expected.

Anna Hazare and YS Jagan, in a sense, took national focus away from the issue.

Let it be said that the interregnum gave the Telangana people time to recoup and plan in such a way that this time the issue may be ignored only at great peril to the powers that be.

What is the UPA government doing?

Why does the Congress send its emissary only two days before the strike is all set to begin?

And why does a Congress government in this State adopt postures it can hardly sustain?

For a moment, let it be imagined that ESMA and other provisions and strategies succeed in defusing

this event now, in a few days, without much damage to the people and the economy of this state.

Will that clear the issue once for all?

Hardly.The polarization is so complete now, that there can only be an even bigger event of unimaginable proportions.

The Congress at the Centre and the State is very definitely pushing in that direction, when people will no longer cook and eat on the streets, or sing and dance. A macabre dance is waiting in the wings for a beckoning history to gesture vigorously enough. Evidently the Centre does not see well and hears little. When the macabre dance unveils itself, the Centre will really be caught unawares. As in Anna’s case, it will make all the mistakes it can before making its customary knee-jerk attempts to resolve the issue.

How sore and listless, how bowed and buffetted to keep ones own counsel; what dire times and governing stars reign unseen! Ha! Manmohan; ’fore civil strife and rot general spread, wake thou, if thou couldst thy political sense and yield ground to the venturesome AlexChanders and Kodands.They that make their fortunes shall make thine, too.Must ye choose t’mar theirs, be thou marred in thine…

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