Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ghaddafy: America's Painted Devil

There are different ways in which America works the world towards one goal : what my writer –friend Rani Sivasankara Sarma calls Americanism in his most recent Telugu work bearing that title.

Americanism is a way of establishing its strangle-hold of power over all countries “great and small’. If God made the countries and the peoples, He appointed America its viceroy on earth. And the viceroy has virtually supplanted God and His order in the world. Except that America is Christian in some senses, America is a post-Miltonic Satan who has succeeded in replacing God as the sole power and arbiter of justice and rule of order. And has used that power with a degree of mischief that has no rival except in American comic-books.

From a Monroe doctrine which has been tweaked several times to suit the occasion for easily two centuries; to the interference in Vietnam, Korea and Cambodia; the two Iraq wars, the execution of Saddam Hussain; the Afghan adventures from the soil of a sovereign Pakistan; the use of NATO forces to neutralize Muammar Ghaddafy of Libya some hours ago; the use of nuclear thumb-screws on India whose energy requirements for over a billion people is as genuine as any other genuine cause in the world; the use of information technology for making its own economy and marring others—from theory to practice there is a range of strategies America uses to advance its cause and its alone. If China is tough to handle, let there be some ping-pong diplomacy. If Islamic terrorism is tough to handle, give plenty of aid to Pakistan and hope that it will be used to root out terrorism. If that fails, step into a military role and ride rough-shod over their sovereignity. Meanwhile keep an irresolute India, from speaking of retaliation, leave alone attempting it.. The way forward for America is to get different countries locked in shackles of hostilities and secure its own economic and political interests. Any one who strikes an aggressive posture is an enemy and must be neutralized. Even one of Ghaddafy’s little sons was a sufficient enemy to be killed in a bombing blitz, when Ghaddafy indulged in one of his ‘aggressive’ antics, over 20 years ago.

Now that Ghaddafy is gone America will need a new enemy as an international ,political red-herring.Pakistan’s General Kayani is reported to have warned America that it would have to think ten times before going into action mode from Waziristan. Is it Kayani’s turn after Ghaddafy?

America can not be at ease without a painted devil.

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