Monday, August 15, 2011

Un- Parliamentary Protest

So Manmohan ji and the Congress cronies want Parliament to be respected, and protest to be parliamentary, not the street variety of Anna Hazaare.

Anna has , therefore, been denied permission to protest in his way.

Yes Anna’s method is not parliamentary. He has never been elected and has not attended a session of the parliament or the legislature. He must first learn. Lalu, Mulayam, KCR etc. can be great role models.

Some of the methods are:

1. Be on your feet the moment the Speaker commences a session

2. Stall Zero Hour or Question Hour with an adjournment motion on lack of grass for grazing for the Holy Cow.

3. Speaker advises you to sit, but don’t ever sit. Some one from the treasury benches begins to answer a question, or move a motion, or table a bill. Don’t yield.

4. Treasury benches get vociferous. You raise the decibel level. They go one better. You Rush into the Well waving papers or placards.

5. Speaker adjourns for 30 minutes.

6. Session resumes after 30 minutes. You jump to your feet and bawl out. Some one does one better. You wrench the table mike and wave it threateningly protesting that it is a defensive gesture against possible physical threat from one of that mob.

7. In UP, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh it now turns into a free-for –all. In Tamil Nadu you attempt a Vastraapaharan of whichever woman member is near at hand.

8. Speaker summons Marshalls while directing the secretaries not to note down anything, or expunge what they already have noted down.

9. The Marshalls and the elected representatives are now engaged in a free-style wrestling bout more impressive than WWF professionals.

10. Speaker adjourns till the next day and walks away with an indulgent smile.

11. PM and Kapil Sibal and Chidambaram are happy with the day’s protests. Excellent demonstration of the Parliamentary method.

Anna Hazaare , instead, follows antiquated methods like fasts-unto-death, and singing bhajans at the RajGhat. Obviously Delhi Police will not permit such senseless methods of the Civil Society. .

And Anna is not aware of the most fundamental issue.Protests require money to organize. Where does he get his money from ? Very suspicious sources.

The Elected Reoresentatives, on the other hand, are quite above board. Completely transparent .

They spend well accounted and audited peoples’ money at Rs. 987/= per MP per minute of Parliamentary time..

Jai Parliament !!

1 comment:

  1. Fully agree; "parliamentary" proceedings, conduct of MPs in Parliament have been really shameful.. wonder if they can ever enforce a Code of Conduct for MPs within Parliament.. has any other country ever attempted such a thing. S.Korean parliamentary proceedings can be equally raucous at times..
